The Airport Regions Council (ARC) is an association of more than 30 airport regions in Europe and represents around 100 million inhabitants and over 30 airports. The FrankfurtRheinMain metropolitan region is represented by the Regional Authority. Mr Rouven Kötter, First Deputy Director of the Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain and Chair of the European Office, is a member of the ARC Executive Committee.
The aim of ARC is to optimise the economic advantages of airport regions and minimise environmental pollution. In this context, ARC brings together a broad spectrum of knowledge about air transport and regional policy. The central tasks include:
- Representing the interests of airport regions vis-à-vis EU institutions and bodies
- Sharing best practice solutions
- Organising information and networking events
- Participating in European projects
Due to its broad range of tasks, ARC is a vital public relations partner in the current Horizon 2020 ANIMA project.
Airport Regions Council
Rue Montoyer 21
B-1000 Brussels
T: +32 25134885