The Brussels network ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network) is a platform to strengthen European regions in the field of research and innovation. It supports the generation and strategic development of regional projects using EU funding. In addition, ERRIN is working with the relevant European institutions to improve the involvement of regions in EU research and innovation policies and to promote mutual exchange. Working groups on the following topics are of particular interest to the FrankfurtRheinMain metropolitan region:
- Energy and climate change
- Transport and logistics
- Inclusion
- Nanotechnology
- The creative industry
- Smart cities and regions
- Smart specialisation
Since 2014, the European Office, in cooperation with the “Verband Rhein-Neckar”, has been one of more than 120 ERRIN members.
European Regions Research And Innovation Network
Rue du Luxembourg 3
B-1000 Brussels
T: +32 25032530